
Welcome to my portfolio website with a retro flavour!



Tech & Open Source enthusiast, MLH Localhost Organizer & indie games developer!

I'm a Geography & Spatial Planning Master student with Environment major at University of Science and Technology Houari Boumedien.

I use GIS tools like QGIS, OSM maps, ArcGIS Online, Folium ...etc to make maps and analyze geographical data on territorial planning projects and assessing environmental impact of natural/anthropic phenomenons on urban, rural or Wilderness areas.

I do 3D modeling, create game assets, 3D & 2D scenes with Blender. I also develop indie games with my team mates.

Profile Picture

Ahmed I. Mokhtari
:://Indigo Wizard

Tools & Tech:

  • Blender | 3D modeling | Game assets | Adobe Illustrator | Digital Art
  • GIS | Spatial Planning | Mapping
  • Git (CLI & GUI Git client)
  • Web developement | HTML/CSS
  • Learning Python for GIS scripting & geospatial data analysis
  • Learning JavaScript for WebDev & GIS scripting



Want to get in touch? You can find me here: