
Mega port project - Environmental study (imagery and data analysis)


This serves as the main repo for the satellite imagery analysis and cartography project for the Algerian mega port project in El-Hamdania, Cherchell, Tipaza.

Open for contribution! (I see you, hacktoberfest enthousiasts 👀)



The Earth Engine token expires every 48H, so after that the layers won’t show up and the webapp may seem like not working, it’s not, it’s just that I don’t update the token from my personal google earth engine account unless you need a live demo, otherwise check the preview section.

Table of Content


This project is meant to create a script(s) that help analyse different satellite imagery layers to calculate various environmental indices and generate land-surface data that can help study the environmental impact in the mega port project’s area.


A breif list of features supported in this webapp (see release note for further details):

More features will be added in the future (contribution is welcome!).



A layered static preview of the multiple availble layers within the map currently.

User and installation guide

For end users:

You can simply access the website of the project as it is here: Project website

For devs:

The project uses various technologies to help generate and analyse geographical data, using GIS and related tech. Main tech used in the project:

If you want to develop this project or or contribute to it, you can fork it and clone it then follow configuration steps:

Google Earth Engine:

  1. To use this script, you must first sign up for a Google Earth Engine account.
  2. Install gcloud CLI for the Google Earth Engine account authentication.
  3. Install the rest of project dependency from this file: requirement.txt

Using Anaconda (recomanded):

Method 1: The fastest and cleanest method:

The project folder contains two following files, use one of the two:

From console: conda env create -f environment.yml

Or use Anaconda Navigator (UI) and select path to the environment.yml file, anaconda does the rest.

That’s it, you’re good to go!

Method 2: If you prefer to start a new anaconda environement:

  1. Make a conda virtual environment, call it “geospatial”:

conda create --name geospatial

  1. Activate geospatial environement:

conda activate geospatial

  1. Install folium:

conda install -c conda-forge folium

  1. Install earthengine-api from conda forge within geospatial env:

conda install -c conda-forge earthengine-api

That’s it, you’re good to go!

Using pip:


The project is open for contribution where you can help improve, fix or add features. Please refer to for more details and guidelines.

It’s important that you check the issues section before:

If no issue alrady exists regarding your contribution subject you may open a new issue and get to work.


Project by Ahmed I. Mokhtari.